Becky sitting in her back garden on a chair reading a book

Lockdown Loves | Part two


It’s been a little longer than I intended but I’m back with the next instalment of all the things I’ve been loving during lockdown. This time focusing on the things I’ve been reading, listening to and the activities I’ve been doing.

I’ve been listening to…

I’ve only really been properly listening to one new thing during lockdown, and it’s the Grounded podcast with Louis Theroux. The ones I would recommend the most are his interview with Jon Ronson and KSI.

The recording with Jon is interesting just because of the nature of Jon’s work and life, as he’s a journalist who has investigated a lot of the stranger aspects of society, but it was nice to hear him talk about the bits that he recalls and the things that stood out to him specifically.

The episode with KSI was great because you can tell Louis actively stayed away from “so you make money by posting videos of your life on the internet that’s so weird” trope that a lot of mainstream media journalists like to follow. This was more to do with KSI’s career, growing up online and whether he has any regrets about sharing his private life.

Becky sitting in her back garden on a chair reading a book

I’ve been reading…

I’ve been really enjoyed Bella Mackie’s British Vogue columns over the past couple of months. She often puts a lot of what I’m thinking into an article and I find it reassuring I’m not the only one with these things on my mind.

The one that stood out to me the most was her piece on becoming annoyed with those not playing by the rules during lockdown. She talks about watching other people live their lives, seemingly unbothered by the fact that there’s a literal global pandemic going on, continuing to meet up with friends and allow any Tom, Dick or Harry in their house.

I’ve struggled with a similar feelings since March. I’m annoyed with at least 3 people when Tom and I go for a walk at lunch time, and I’ve taken to evil eyeing anyone in the supermarket that glides right past me, shoulder to shoulder, with their trolley. This article made me feel less alone, while reminding me that we need to be mindful that not everyone’s situation is the same (especially re the ability to wear masks inside shops).
I’d be lying to myself if I said that my anger at others for not obeying the rules doesn’t stem from jealousy that they’re able to be so chill about this. I just need to give others, and myself, a break – because 2020 has been bloody hard.

Around a month ago I subscribed to Rhianna’s (@rhiannaoliviab on Instagram) newsletter The Uncool Club. I hardly ever read newsletters because like all of Gen Z my attention span is that of a goldfish, but I love Rhianna’s newsletter landing in my inbox every Sunday. It’s such a lovely, friendly way to start the day.

There are two articles I would like to draw your attention to (this section is SO LONG sorry I’m now feeling like I should have dedicated one blog post entirely to the things I’ve been reading).

The first is ‘How to Know You’re Not Insane‘, an article by Nicolas Carter, a Black man who was employed as a Staff Writer at Cards Against Humanity who eventually went on to be fired and then placed in a psychiatric ward, where he was forcible held against his own will, because he questioned why they wanted to use the N-word as one of the answer cards. It’s a mind-bending read but a very important one.

The second is a New York Times interview with three girls who were instrumental in organising Black Lives Matters protests in their cities in the US. On top of making me question what on earth I was up to when I was a teenager (mostly just watching Glee tbh), hearing about the inspirational efforts of these activists gives me a lot faith and confidence that the future is gonna be alright.

I’ve been doing…

Yoga. Lots and lots of Yoga. With Adriene, to be exact, as she and her dog are two of my favourite things on the internet. Adriene’s teaching style is a great combination of not pushing you too hard and politely encouraging you to challenge yourself and meet your limit.

The practices I’ve most enjoyed throughout the last few months are all flows that last around 20 minutes, including a Full Body Flow, Yoga to Shift Perspective and Yoga Joy. If you’re ever looking for some gentle exercise to get you out of a funk, I’d recommend all three of these.

And that’s everything! Looking back, it seems like I’ve been doing a lot, which is funny because sitting around the house all the time has made me feel like the most unproductive egg of all time (not that productivity matters during all of this obvs).

Missed Lockdown Loves part one? Have a read now to see what I’ve enjoyed watching and who I’ve been following online during lockdown.

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