Lockdown Loves | Part One


If you’re anything like me, lockdown will have left you feeling like you’ve completed Netflix by now. With this in mind, I wanted to take the monthly ‘favourites’ concept and do something different with it.

Rather than giving you a list of things to buy, I’ve put together a list of that content I’ve found interesting and informative over the past four months.

Getting back into beauty


Birmingham literature festival took place in October, bringing with it the opportunity to hear from Caitlin Moran, Sali Hughes and Lauren Laverne – so naturally I jumped at the chance.

Going along to see these women in conversation with each other, I fully expected to come out fangirling (as always) over how incredible they are. And I did. But something else I came out with was much less expected – the decision that I was going to get back into beauty and makeup.

Boy stood looking out at the sea

Shock announcement: Couples don’t have to do everything together


A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend went on holiday to Mexico. He was gone for two and half weeks, staying in hostels along the coast before finishing off – the jammy shit that he is – by getting put in a 5* hotel by the flight company after they cancelled his plane.

I, on the other hand, stayed in England. I worked 9 til 5, Monday to Friday, and spent time with my friends on the weekend.